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StoryBoard Samples

Clash-a-rama Clashmas special

In October of 2019 I had the pleasure of returning to Rough Draft studios to do a 3 minute Promo for Clash of the Clans. I boarded the first half, timed the whole thing and did revisions on it.  It was a lot of fun to do and a fun challenge to embrace a different style.

Here is the final piece that aired around the holidays.  You can see just how the final is like my board.

Rocketeer Rough Pitch Board

This is a rough one minute pitch board I did, after hours, to help sell the idea of the Rocketeer reboot.  I think the rough boards often show the original energy and thinking that happens in the process of bringing out the idea. I walked into my directors office to ask a question about Miles from Tomorrowland and they had all this top secret Rocketeer stuff laid out and I audibly gasped.  I looked at them and asked if this was a thing.  It had to be and I wanted to help.

This is the final color. It is so cool to see what ended up in the final.  I feel like they only improved the feeling I had intended.


Recent tie down board for private viewing only

This is a sample of the first board i did for Rocketeer.  The episode has aired on Disney Junior so i can finally share this board with you.  I was submitted for an Emmy for this board. On Rocketeer i had the pleasure of doing the very first animation of her flying around and i did the finale for season one. I have always been a fan of the original Rocketeer. so it was a joy to be a part of it.

Another Clip for review only

Again I place these here for you to see my process and the level I can tie down the boards. This was not the final, there are still rough drawings in this version.  Again, once reviewed I will be removing it.  For internal private viewing only.

Miles From Tomorrowland

Rough Board from my episode Invaders from Tomorrowland.


One of my favorite episodes. Miles and family chase after a "rebooting", sleep walking, Merc.  They follow him to a planet that does not have technology yet.

Phineas and Ferb

My Sweet Ride Story Board gallery

This is a fun song I boarded while i was assistant director.  I have always loved the 50's and jumped at the chance to board this. Dan Povenmire liked the design so much he made the designers match my board for the look of the characters.  There are some panels missing and please excuse the scene numbers...Not sure what happened there, but I think this is a sweet moment . Scroll through or double click to see full pages.

This is the final animation of the song I Boarded on season 4 of Phineas and Ferb.  

Let it snow

Another cute song that I boarded on Phineas.  There is still some rough stuff in this board.  This was the only version I could find. I was simply given the song and turned loose.

Here is the final animation and you can see the final came out very close to my board.

When Worlds Collide

This is another Clip from the episode I boarded and wrote called When worlds Collide. I just liked this strange plan Doof has concocted. There were a bunch of firsts on this episode.  Perry gets trapped but for the first time it wasn't an actual trap and this episode mainly happens at night.

I had to include this clip from the same episode.  I wrote this gag and really thought they wouldn't let us do it.  Candice walks in on her Parents and gasps and asks what they are doing. we immediately cut to the parents on the floor playing record.  At first they said it was too adult.  I told them it was only adult to us.  to the kids it is perfectly innocent. And so it ended up in the final.

This was a weird and amazing journey.  Phineas was a board driven premise show.  So my board partner and I were given a paragraph and we wrote and storyboarded the whole episode.  It was a weird one but all the dialog was written by me.  My first writing credit.


I did not draw this sequence but I TIMED it on the ex sheets. Normally if you time something half way decent the timing is completely not noticeable and it should be that way.....Unless they are Drunk!  I timed everything as if they were drunk.  All the actions come way before the words come out or delayed way after.  Watch the blinks. Everything was timed off for effect and they really feel drunk. 

Early in 2020 i returned to Rough Draft to do Timing on Matt Groening newest show, Disenchantment.

There is much more to see if you click the "MORE" button at the top of the page.   You can see pages from my personal Comic on the comic page and My puppet designs.

Please enjoy.

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