This image is my take on an ancient Goddess from Tibet who is found in most of the asian cultures under Different names. I was tasked in making these old archetypes cool and more relatable. In Japan they call her Marishi ten. She is the goddess of Mirages. The boar represents her resolute will to take the opportunity the moment it manifests. She has every trick in the book. She is a walking Swiss army knife. She is prepared for every outcome and she is perfectly poised to ride the moment. I became transfixed by this character and wrote a small series of comics about her. Here is some of the artwork i generated over the years.

These are 3 samples I did for a graphic for my Martial arts teacher.
Marishi-ten Comic sample

Original Inked drawing for Cover

Final Color Cover design. Issue 4

Describe your image

Comic pages Gallery
This is a sliding Gallery of some of my pages from 4 issues of my personal comic. you can flip through or Double click to see full pages as you flip through.

Some years Later I was tasked by my teacher to come up with another image of her and I leapt at the chance to revisit this character. To the right you see the rough as I figured out where all the pieces went. Below is the final.